duminică, 9 februarie 2014

Corn maze or/oder Maislabyrinth

Last week, one of our colleagues send us a print screen of an aerial photo with a strange labyrinth in the fields. She found it while she was editing seamlines and it was something like this:

This is not an unusual thing for Germany, it is just a "Maislabyrinth", a maze cut out of a corn field, and it is a nice way to spend your free time, with your family and a way for the farmers to earn some money. As I could read, they become popular in North America, but they are famous also in England or Germany.

For moredetails: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corn_maze

I search some places for the region where I live now, Baden-Württemberg and I want to share them with you, maybe you can visit them in summer. But pay attention: the design captured in the aerial photos will not be the same this year; the farmers are very creative!! 
Biberach (source: Bing Maps)
Ditzingen (source: Google Maps)
Kressbronn am Bodensee (source: Bing Maps)
Renningen (source: Google Maps)

Freiburg-Opfingen (source: Bing Maps)
Seligweiler Maislabyrinth (source: Google Maps)
Wolfenhausen (source: Bing Maps)

 I visited one of them, last summer, just because it was not far away...( but not so spectacular as the pictures above):
Eutingen- Pforzheim (source: Bing Maps) 

Fun in Eutingen Corn Maze

duminică, 17 martie 2013

Wall decoration

Since one of my walls is decorated with the Season-Tree, I decided to decorate another one also with a tree. But this time with a sticker-tree (Wandtattoo)

 that I bought from here: http://www.amazon.de/Spr%C3%BCche-Wandtattoo-Kinderzimmer-Schlafzimmer-Wohnzimmer/dp/B008FVGYD8/ref=sr_1_67?ie=UTF8&qid=1363530580&sr=8-67

And I added some small pictures with my son:

And here it is my wall decoration: 

Decoration: Season tree

I must admit from the beginning  that is not my idea…I saw many times on different pages something similar: a tree combining the four seasons inside. Also decorating with buttons is not a new idea, but it is so nice that I said: I must try it.
Starting from these ideas I added also my new idea: decorating with real branches, dried, founded in the forest and not painting the tree. So I found an old picture frame, and I added inside the pieces of branches, sticked together with silicone, trying to give a natural look for the resulted tree:
Real branches
I devided the tree in four parts, each one representing one season: and I decorated the branches with  colored buttons. If I didn't have enough buttons, I made some, following the receipe presented here http://lastbiscuit.blogspot.de/2012/01/salt-dough-buttonspart-one.html


 So, here it is my Season Tree Decoration! 
And because it is made here in Eisingen, I can also add : "Made in Germany".

duminică, 12 august 2012

Sinsheim Auto - Technik Museum

Cand am citit pe internet ca intrarea costa 14 euro, mi s-a parut cam scump, dar am zis hai sa incercam... La sfarsitul catorva ore de vizitat, nu poti ajunge decat la o singura concluzie: Merita toti banii si poate si mai mult!!!
Te impresioneaza si uneori te intorc in timp, te fac sa le admiri si uneori sa le testezi (caci multe sunt inca functionale): masini de epoca, masini istorice de curse si de formula-1, expozitii si reconstituiri militare, motociclete, locomotive, masini agricole, instrumente muzicale...dar mai presus de toate: Concorde si Tupolev. (singurul loc unde pot fi vazute impreuna cele doua supersonice de pasageri).
Nu te poti plictisi ore bune in acest muzeu iar pe cei pasionati de tehnica, nu prea poti sa-i mai scoti de acolo... Poze nu am prea multe, doar asa, de o privire de ansamblu...

duminică, 15 aprilie 2012


14.04.2012...a long but beautiful day in a new but old town: Nürnberg

 Nürnberg paid the historical price for being an important part of the Nazi period of Germany and the city was almost a ruin after the war. But still has the charm of an old town centre, based on reconstructions.